GUEST BLOGGER DUTCH THOMSON: Why Try Alternative Medicine?
Alternative medicine describes treatments and modalities outside of traditional medicine. Some people fear alternative medicine, thinking it involves tarot cards and magic incantations. I used to feel this way until traditional medicine repeatedly failed me.
For thirty years, I suffered from back pain that traditional medicine couldn’t alleviate. Over the course of my treatment, I was prescribed pain medication, which irritated my stomach. This led to another prescription for stomach relief, which interfered with my sleep, prompting yet another prescription for sleep aids. And my back still hurt.
I wish my story were just an isolated case, but I know far too many people experiencing similar frustration. Out of desperation, I sought alternative medical options. As I delved into this so-called “dark underworld of black magic,” I was pleasantly surprised to find interesting, science and brain based practices rather than witchcraft and voodoo.
The Brain’s Role in Healing: Bridging the Gap Between Traditional and Alternative Medicine
Sheila Johnston was the first person who significantly helped me. She was a massage therapist with several advanced certifications, including NeuroKinetic Therapy which works with the motor control center of the brain. Sheila taught me simple drills to improve my condition. She identified weaknesses in my back and showed me how to strengthen my lumbar spine. She tested specific leg muscles and explained how my hips were unstable; my left glute medius was extremely weak. Sheila provided exercises to strengthen it. After a single session with her, I felt better than I had in thirty years!
Her straightforward and effective treatment only increased my frustration with traditional medicine. It was as if everything wrong with traditional medicine was placed under a microscope. Did the doctors I had seen for thirty years not understand basic muscle tests? How did they miss that my main issue was weakness? How were pain medications supposed to help me get stronger? My doctors seemed more interested in providing Band-Aids, while Sheila offered a real cure.
After my experience with Sheila, I trained in NeuroKinetic Therapy. There, I was fortunate to meet many amazing people from around the world, including physical therapists, massage therapists, and chiropractors. I also learned about other modalities that seemed far more advanced than traditional medicine. I applied for and earned certifications in several of these .
Today, I am the owner and primary therapist at Move Past Pain to Performance ( in Denver, Colorado. I have helped hundreds of people who couldn’t find relief through traditional medicine. If you are suffering, don’t give up. The human body is incredibly strong and resilient, and with the right help, it can heal.
My friend and colleague in Savannah, Georgia, Christa Rosenkranz of Form & Freedom Bodywork, is someone I highly recommend as part of your personal health team. She is a highly trained therapist who can offer the right help.
If you are still not convinced that better options exist outside traditional healthcare, I encourage you to read Outlive by Peter Attia, M.D., and The Brain’s Way of Healing by Norman Doidge, M.D. Both books discuss the gaps in traditional medicine and how alternative approaches are providing pathways to healing.
If you have questions, I encourage you to check out our websites for more information on the work that we do and brain based therapies, and you’re always welcome to send either of us a message.
Thanks for reading,