Rebuilding Your Body After Dance Careers
Former ballet dancers often deal with long-term pain and instability due to the demanding nature of ballet. This rigorous art form can lead to altered movement patterns and chronic discomfort even years after leaving the stage. Fortunately, there are effective recovery solutions available.
Massage therapy can address these issues by relieving muscle tension, improving flexibility, and restoring mobility. Techniques like myofascial release target specific problem areas to ease pain and enhance movement. Meanwhile, functional neurology offers a holistic approach to recalibrate the nervous system, improve coordination, and correct movement patterns.

Spinal Mechanics and Back Pain 101
Back pain can be complex, often involving interconnected spinal segments and compensatory mechanisms that affect various areas of the body. The “Lovett Reactor” concept illustrates how misalignments in the spine, such as between the lower back and neck, can lead to widespread discomfort. Addressing thoracic spine mobility and considering past injuries are key to alleviating pain, as they can impact seemingly unrelated symptoms.